I'm exhausted. I've had a headache for 4 days that won't seem to go away despite tons of Excedrin, Motrin and Aleve. No, not truly tons, not all at the same time. Thinking maybe I have been dehydrated, I've been drinking plenty of water. Nothing. This damn headache won't leave.
The worst part being, my baby girl is now sick. Going on day three. Fever, cough, aches, etc. A virus they say. But you feel so helpless when you can't really do anything to make the misery go away. Of course plenty of TLC helps, but that only goes so far.
It's one of the few times I wish someone else were here with me. As a mother, naturally I get worried when my child is sick. It would be nice to have someone here who could hug me and tell me it will all be okay. Someone who would hold me and let me cry out of sheer exhaustion and frustration. Tonight is one of those nights I miss that part of a relationship. It's that missing link I hope to find again someday. If not, that's okay too, I know I'm strong, I'm just feeling rather weak right now.