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157 days, 20 pounds and a new zip code

It's been 157 days since my last post.  Hahaha, I feel like I'm in some sort of confession.  But yes, I did calculate how many days.  One reader commented, "A quite Barbie Girl is a happy Barbie Girl", and yes, it's true.

Oh, how life has changed in the past 157 days.  I've gotten fatter (no I'm not pregnant).  Barbie Jr. has gotten smarter (she's going into 6th grade).  I've increased the size of my zoo (not so small anymore).  And I have a new zip code.

The beginning of the year brought struggles with Barbie Jr and her grades.  I am proud to report with hard work and some med adjustments my gal brought her grades up significantly.  I am so increcibly proud of the amazing young woman she's becoming.  My once 21 inch tall baby almost looks me in the eyes now.  And loves fashion.  And looks darn cute in braces.

A few months back, she and I packed up our small zoo and moved in with the boo.  I don't want to call him Ken, I don't want to call him GI Joe, so hereon I will refer to him as Mister SMDM (Six Million Dollar Man).  Which is funny because between us some days we are lucky to have six dollars!  It's been a good change for us.  It's been good for Barbie Jr. to have a male influence in her life with me.  I've seen positive changes in her.  It's an adjustment, going from living alone for 3 1/2 years to living with someone, but I feel at home for the first time in years.  We are still getting the place set up and getting work done around the house but I am happy.  Yes, you read that correctly, I am happy.

There are other not so great things that have happened.  My father's health hasn't been great.  I've had some financial issues.  But at the end of the day, I'm still incredibly blessed and thankful for what I have.  It's very difficult watching a parent's health decline but I am thankful for each day God gives me with my family.  It's a gift.

I've changed a lot too.  I pray a lot, I swear less and I drink almost never.  It's amazing what a change in attitude can do for a person.


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