Random pet peeves!
- Jerks who have to be first and pull out in front of you even though there isn't a car behind you
- Fleas, I don't really know if you could call them a pet peeve but they annoy the hell out of me.
- Selfishness. It isn't always about you. I'm just saying!
- If a woman cooks dinner for you, for God's sake, thank her! Offer to take a freaking plate to the kitchen.
- Needless, self-created drama
- Justin Bieber
- Dating again. I haven't dated in 17 years. It sucks.
- Big words for simple things. It's art class damnit, not "enrichment"
- Mean people. They just suck
- When you've had a conversation at least ten times yet the person acts like it's the first time they ever heard of such a thing