So I've been looking through pictures I had saved online in various albums and came across this photo. And for a moment, I was stunned. Now don't panic! This isn't a recent photo. As a matter of fact, it was taken 495 days ago. 1 year, 4 months and 7 days. Some people would see this and think, eh, it's not so bad. And no, compared to some of the domestic violence victims I've encountered, you're right, it's not so bad. But, it was bad enough to cause my jaw to swell. It was bad enough to give me a concussion. But it was the moment that changed my life for the best. So yeah, it's probably weird that I've titled this post "Love This Pain" but it's the pain that made me who I am today. I've blogged about the abuse, but very few people have ever seen this picture. I've debated about whether or not to even post this. But it was a turning point for me. The point I regained the courage to finally take that step to...
There comes a time in your life when they tell you that you're too old to play with dolls. I want my damn Barbies back!