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Change in all things is sweet. --Aristotle

I always get a little melancholy when school starts back up. I'm not one of those parents who looks forward to it. Fact is, even though I work during the day, I miss all the time I get to spend with Barbie, Jr. when she's not in school. A new school year is another year closer to my baby girl growing up.

I had a discussion with her dad today about how much she's changed and how she's adapted to the changes in her life with such ease. And what a good kid she is and how proud we are of her. But the whole discussion, and the fact that we managed to have a discussion, made me think about all the changes that have happened over the past year.

I knew this time last year that 35 was going to be a life changing year for me. I didn't know why, I just felt it in my gut. And shortly after turning 35, is when my world began to change. I am a completely different woman than I was. I'm still the goofy, not so shy anymore, loud, silly, not afraid to be me woman I used to be, but I'm new and improved. I've become a stronger woman. I've become an independent woman. And I've become the woman who refuses to settle any longer. I spent half my life in a relationship and settling for a hell of a lot less than I deserved. I spent many years unhappy and paralyzed with fear. I no longer live my life that way. I no longer live my life according to how others believe I should. I now live my life the way I want to live it. I life my life for me.


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